Setting the Record Straight on Forgiveness

3 Things Every Person Needs to Know About Forgiveness

My name is Dr. Norma McLauchlin. As a pastor’s wife and a coach who specializes in helping people heal from past trauma, I meet a great many people who are confused about the topic of forgiveness.

Some reject the idea of forgiving those who hurt them, seeing it as an unmerited gift to that person or a sign of weakness on their part.

Some believe forgiveness requires remaining in an abusive relationship.

Still others believe that forgiveness means overlooking or pretending that what happened was okay.

None of that is true.

First, the choice to forgive does not mean that what the other person did was okay or that anyone should look the other way and allow that harmful behavior to continue unchecked.

Second, forgiving someone does not require their knowledge nor does it require a renewal of the relationship. They don’t have to be alive to be forgiven, either.

Third, forgiving the harm done by another is first and foremost an act of self-love and a choice to free oneself from being bound to the past pain of that event. It takes a great deal of strength to choose forgiveness, but the benefits will transform the lives of those who choose that path.

In my free minicourse, The Benefits of Forgiving, I explain the mental, emotional, and physical health benefits of choosing to forgive. It’s my freewill gift to those who want to find true freedom from the trauma and pain of their past and begin to put those things to work for them rather than allowing them to continue dragging them down.

The minicourse takes less than ten minutes to complete, but the benefits of what I share can last a lifetime. Enroll in The Benefits of Forgiveness today to discover the amazing positive benefits a choice to forgive can have on their mental, emotional, and physical health.